Bold Women Recycle
Electronic Recycling Event
April 12, 2025
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Walnut Hill Church
10066 Marsh Lane Dallas, 75229
Gather up all the unused, outdated and non-working electronics you may have hiding in your garage, closets or attic and drop them off at this recycling event. All information on computers, laptops, phones, etc. will be securely scrubbed. This fundraiser benefits the Missions that are supported by the Bold Women of Lovers Lane and will divert a good deal of toxic waste from the landfill. Win - Win!

Very Important:
Here is link to a list of the Electronic Items (like computers, printers, cameras, office equipment, etc.) that will be accepted for recycling. Please invite friends and family to participate and be sure to include this link.
There are many ways to become a part of the Bold Women. UWF Circles, Book groups, and Sewing groups are available to all and a great way to get to know more Bold Women. There are also several special events like Marketplace, the Electronic Recycling Event and special "Bold Conversations".
Click on the "Get Involved" tab for more details.